30 to 30.

So, thirty weeks from today I turn thirty.  Yep the big 3-0.  I have some very high hopes for these next 210ish days.  I’m going to share a list of 30 goals that I have concerning the next 7 months and I’ll keep you updated weekly (if not sooner) on my progress.  Some will be miniscule, some will be more significant but each one means something important to me.

  1. Lose these pesky 30lbs. (+10 more ideally) of “baby weight”
  2. Complete 30 random acts of kindness.  I’ll post a list of ideas in an upcoming post.
  3. Learn to coupon efficiently
  4. Find and stick with a new hobby… I’m thinking photography.
  5. Organize my garage, desk and children’s closets.
  6. Walk/run 15+ miles a week and complete 5 workouts.
  7. Complete at least 1 charity 5k race.
  8. Finish Harper’s baby book (by her 3rd bday!) and start Henry’s.
  9. Call both grandparents twice a month minimum.
  10. Stain our fence before winter.
  11. Furnish the front porch with seating, a table, welcome mat and seasonal decorations.
  12. Paint at least the powder room, master bath, and both kids rooms. (mint, dark purple accent wall, navy accent wall and ?? respectively)
  13. Plan and carryout a years worth of monthly date nights for just hubby and I. (as the plans unfold I’ll post the list of ideas).
  14. Send birthday cards to all immediate family members in 2015.
  15. Attend church regularly…with both kids.  Work on getting both baptized into the Catholic Church.
  16. Drink more water… and less beer.  Wine is fine though 😉
  17. Stop hoarding old magazines I NEVER read.  THROW the previous month out when the new one arrives.
  18. Read at least a book for pleasure twice a month.
  19. Watch less TV.
  20. Host a neighborhood BBQ.
  21. Have a $5 savings jar.  ie.  save all the $5 bills I acquire.
  22. Master making authentic cheesecake.
  23. Hang pictures (the pile in our bedroom that need frames) on the wall.  Create our “family hall” in foyer.
  24. Pray more.
  25. Allow myself a mani, pedi or hair cut and lunch alone, once every 3 months.  4x a year isn’t too much to ask.
  26. Use anti-wrinkle cream and apply sunscreen daily.
  27. Take a family vacation.  Just us 4.
  28. Stop paying “Sun Tan City” to hold my account.  STOP indoor tanning… once I’ve spent the money I’ve already paid :-/
  29. Thank my parents and in-laws more often.
  30. Have a G.N.O every other month… with friends old and new; near and far.

Wow, 30 goals was actually kinda hard to come up with, but hopefully I can check all of these off in the months to follow, or at least come close.  Nothing is too outrageous huh?  30 is a big one…or so it seems.

“I’ll do it better in my next 30 years.” -Tim McGraw

Wish me luck.

Much love,


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